Friday, December 5, 2014


This week, we started watching a movie about people creating fake Facebook accounts. The person named Nev, was made to believe that he was in a relationship with this family, and slowly unravels the lie that was told by the family. I believe this was a very informational documentary to others, so that social networking is more careful. Most kids these days post everything they see or want, and not one person realizes the danger they put themselves in. 


  1. This is definitely a great reminder to teens and even adults that the internet is always what it is cut out to be. There are many crazy and weird people out there and you need to be very careful and also make sure to know who you are communicating with. A big thing i was told growing up was to never put my phone number or address on the internet because hackers and creepy people do have ways to find it.

  2. This documentary clearly shows the dangers of any online social media. In the world, there many shady people that want to steal your information or trying in convincing you that they are either a boy or girl and they want you to meet them and they kidnap you. Especially teenagers today just post whatever they say or what they feel. This can lead to shady people sending them friend requests on facebook and pretend to be their friend but in fact they are not. So the message is that to be careful on the internet and on online social media. Only accept friend request from people you personally know.

  3. Swamy, I agree with your post. We need to be careful about what we post and who we talk to. We don't know what the other person's true intentions really are. Like Diego mentioned, they could kidnap you or even rape you.

  4. I agree that this show can be informational and shows you the dangers and risks of social media.

  5. I totally agree that a person can learn a lot from the documentary, on how deceiving and dangerous the social network can be. I agree with Swamy that people do need to watch what they post on websites like FB. Some people like the woman from the video had problems with her life and created this complex lie to attract Nev, this serves to show that many people have bad intentions.

  6. I agree. This documentary was highly informational. I have had several fake profiles pop up on my social media sites such as Instagram and Facebook. They are usually exes or someone scamming people, but either way, they are doing it to hurt people. They create a new person so that they are disconnected from their real self and contact people to get something from them.
