Friday, October 31, 2014

All this week we have been discussing the Philosopher Nietzsche. The thing about him that stood out to me immediately was he said that "God is dead." Before hearing the context of the quote I thought this would be a philosopher who I would disagree with on a lot of views, but it wasn't until it was explained that I realized he was right. Nietzsche meant that religion is dead in the world so therefore "God is dead." I feel like this statement is very relatable today, because I feel as if these days people are more attached and faithful to material things and themselves rather than  religion.  This kind of ties into the other aspect I agree  with Nietzsche on. He believes the stronger and more noble people in the world should look out and help those who are weaker and less fortunate. I agree with him on this because just because someone is better at something that doesn't make them superior to others. God created us as equals and that's how it should be and how we should treat others.


  1. At first I thought I would disagree with Nietzche's philosophy when he made the controversial statement that "God is dead" as well. In class we discussed the quote and we received further explanation. I agree with your statement about how Nietzche's quote saying "God is dead" can relate to today's society. People in today's society are more faithful and attached to material things than actual spirituality or religion.

  2. I've really been thinking a lot about Nietzche's "God is dead comment," and to an extent I agree with what he means. I feel like the meaning and teaching of the three monotheistic religions have been so misconstrued and diluted or put emphasis on such unnecessary details that the heart of those religions can be considered "dead." I'm a religious person myself, however that does not mean that I agree with everything the Church has to teach because i know there is a human element to it. I find Nietche's argument even more propelling due to him being atheist, meaning that it is clear that he has put much thought in to why he believe, or *doesn't* believe in something. I'm excited to learn more about him, and see what he has to say about different topics.
