Friday, October 31, 2014

Noble vs. Slavish

Nietzsche two modes of valuation are (1) Noble mode of valuation (good and bad) and (2) slavish mode of valuation (good and evil). The first mode focuses on the fact that good is determined first, and the second determines evil first. The Noble mode of valuation portrays that the stronger, more beautiful, smart people are the ones who should create the moral values. The slavish mode of valuation portrays that the weaker should make the moral values. This mode allows for the weak to be stronger in moral values and the strongest to be weaker due to moral values. According to Nietzsche, this disrupts balance because the slavish mode is made solely for the weaker people. It creates sick forms of values and offers imaginary moral strength. It does not convey true strength, only philosophical strength.  Although this is present in society now, is it beneficial as a whole? Or does it make the human race weaker? If the Noble mode of valuation was used more, would the human race be stronger?


  1. The noble mode of valuation should be used to more in today's society. The human race in my opinion would be stronger due to the fact that the stronger people would know what to do and how to go about how to handle different situations in society. People who are deemed more beautiful than others would serve no purpose when it comes to the noble mode of society. Smart people who help guide the weaker population to do what is morally right. They would also help determine what is morally right and morally wrong. Although it is present in society, it does benefit the society as a whole to let the noble of valuation determine societies' moral rights and responsibilities. If the slavish mode of valuation were put in place, then society would be corrupt and it would be hard to tell between what is morally right and morally wrong.

  2. I totally agree with what Jahleel said in her comment, the human race indeed would be more strong as a whole through the noble mode of valuation. Now each person has a strength that the other might not have equally placing everyone in society, the strongest leading the way for the less strong. Morals values would serve the same purpose for everyone in this sense, not holding anyone back from using their strength. the slavish mode of valuation would create a rupture in society as a whole as morals would be use to define the evil and bad of someone instead of the good , creating chaos.
