Friday, September 12, 2014

Plato vs. Aristotle

This is my first blog, so please go easy on me!

Spending the last few weeks on Plato and now Aristotle has really opened my eyes and makes me realize that everyone has a right to their own opinion. We've discussed many examples on how one is just and unjust, the characteristics of unjust and just people, and situations of just and unjust, if we were put in certain scenarios . We've also discussed that Plato believes that there's a balance of the soul, so that every part is doing what it is supposed to do. He also believes that being unjust is basically having a disordered soul, which leads to an unhappy lifestyle, or one being unhappy. On the other hand, Aristotle says we do everything in order to be happy. From class, we also learned that Aristotle believes that habits form character. In my opinion I believe that to be true. If you think about it, everyone is born with a vision and created for some purpose on earth. As we continue to grow, we learn and adapt to things that make us who we are. We aren’t born with all the knowledge and the characteristics that we need in order to fulfill our purpose in life. It takes time, trial, and error. We do things every day that molds us into what we were created to be. Over time we tend to do those things and becomes part of our character. In the present day, we're living in a cruel world were killing and not being our brother's (sister's) keeper is the norm. With that being said, my question to the class is, is it possible for one to be just and live an unhappy lifestyle or can one be unjust and live a happy lifestyle? Also can one’s habits be opposite from one’s character? Let me know if you have any questions about my questions.


1 comment:

  1. To answer your question of Just vs. Happiness you need to take a look around. There are criminals in this world who do unjust things all of the time yet they take pride in happiness what they do, and vice versa there are plenty of people in this world that do the right or the just thing, but are never satisfied with the results and feel unhappy with what they do. With your second full question look at the cliche "Bad Boy with a Soft Side" his habits of being this rough and tough guy are different from the way that he truly acts with his inner soft side that he has. I hope this answers the questions that you had.
