Friday, September 12, 2014

Thoughts on Aristotle

In class, the past few sessions we talked about Aristotle and the Nicomachean Ethics.I want to stat with the idea of eudaimonia. In class we talked about it standing for happiness, and doing well and living well. When I looked it up, I got the definition of human flourishing. I like that Aristotle believed in this idea. His belief that the highest good is happiness was core to our discussion about eudaimonia in class. Aristotle also believed in a purpose for everything. He said that the proper function of humans was to act in a manner guided  by reason. This follows his hierarchy of goods theory that virtue is the second highest. I also believe to be true that Aristotle was right in developing the Doctrine of the Golden Mean. His view are what most of our class agreed with, and I believe he wrote the Nicomachean Ethics without thinking how many generations will study and follow his teachings.       

1 comment:

  1. I believe that you explained this in a great way. Aristotles belief in living well and standing for happiness is the key to a happy life. The virtuousness that we discussed in class was a core concept in the philosophy of Aristotle. The three criteria discussed in class that determined whether or not a person was acting virtuously or not was a big part of this concept. Knowing that the act the person is committing is virtuous is the first rule. The second is that they must act virtuously only because it is virtuous. The third is that the person must act from a firm and unchanging state. All these ideas and concepts that Aristotle gave us continue to help shape lives even many centuries after they were written.
