Thursday, November 20, 2014

Equal Opportunity

Over the past few weeks, we have discussed numerous philosophers and their beliefs. Nietzsche has two stages regarding morality: the pre-moral and moral stages. The pre-moral stage, the Noble Mood of Evaluation, claims that good is always determined first and bad is the afterthought. The necessity of creating values comes from the inside. The Morality stage, Slavish Mood of Evaluation says that evil is determined first and good comes second. Marx's stand point on the class system relates to two types of classes. The bourgeoise and the proletariats. The bourgeoise own the means of production and the proletariats produce products and work for the bourgeoise. The capitalism fundamental contradiction is the proletariats contribute the most but receive the least, the bourgeoise contribute the least but receive the most. Jean-Paul Sarte believes that one should subjective and not objective. During our symposiums we discussed a lot about why Marx's theory/point of view still exists today? Why are there still people who are barely making it in America? Why aren't we all equal? Why do the bourgeoise get all the praise and credit for the means of production? What can we do as a society to make everyone comfortable? Doesn't everyone deserve a piece of the pie?


  1. I think Marx's theology has really brought the current economic situation/problem in America into class discussions. Though Capitalism is not perfect by any means, I still believe it is a better economic system than Communism. Communism is similar to Socialism in that wealth is redistributed from those who have more of it to those who have less, basically the Robin Hood of economics. Granted this makes everyone equal, these systems essentially punish those who have worked hard for what they have earned and rewards those who have not worked and earned what they are receiving. Capitalism, on the other hand, provides us with another extreme; though those wealthy entrepreneurs may have worked to get the wealth they have, they do little now, the hard-working, middle class see little wealth compared to the wealthiest, and the lower class, whether they are working or not, are still poor. To fix the widening income inequality gap between the middle and upper class and lift the lower class out of poverty does not require Communism or any other Socialistic economy but rather regulation of Capitalism. By forcing the bourgeoisie to keep jobs domestic and raise salary's of employees, everyone can be given the opportunity to become wealthier and have a better standard of living. Now you may say that the bourgeoisie may raise the price of goods to keep the large profit margin they already have, but regulations on the price of these good can keep profit margins just above the amount needed to operate the business. A modern example can be seen in the government regulation of utilities. This regulation is leaning towards a more Communist/Socialist economy, but we still have a majority of Capitalistic aspects. So back to your questions, it is not the citizens' job to make everyone comfortable rather the government's job to provide an opportunity to be comfortable. Those who deserve a piece of the pie are those who work and earn it not those who do nothing to obtain it. Everyone should work for what they receive and should not be given a handout for nothing. Finally, if we were all equal, what would make us the unique individuals we are?

  2. I believe that because we have been introduce to capitalism for so long people in America have no sense of another system, so people don't really think about that. We have been alienated from one another and the means from production by capitalism that people become oppress and are satisfy with getting just enough to survive. There hasn't been a real system of communism yet so I cant say that communism is a better system than capitalism.

  3. This is such a tricky subject. Yes, it is the citizen's job to make it comfortable to everyone. Since America has been a Capitalist country for so long, people have only knowledge of only that form of government. Since the people have been subjected to alienation so long, people don't really care about trying to change it and are just satisfy with it. Yes, communism is the better form of government but there has not been a true form of it. For example, Russia was a communist country but not what Marx thought it was going to be. So it can be easily corrupted and that is what Stalin did and turned it into a dictatorship.
